Welcome To
My Personal Portfolio

Hi, my name is Rubén Alapont, an energetic software development team leader eager to coalesce agile, competent teams around fulfilling customer requests and company goals. Provides individualized human management and exceptional technical leadership.

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Punk Da Beer

Using MongoDB, Angular, Node.js & Nest.js I build the pokedex of beers.

  • MongoDB
  • Angular
  • Node
  • Nest.js
  • Docker
  • Node
  • Clean Code

Angular Clean Architecture

An example of how you can apply a Clean Code Architecture in Angular projects

  • Angular
  • Clean Architecture
  • Clean Code

Typescript Hexagonal Template

This is a code repository for a typescript backend application applying Hexagonal Architecture.

  • Typescript
  • DDD
  • Hexagonal Architecture
  • Fastify


A React and Three.js application that imitates Minecraft world

  • React
  • Three.js

Angular News

An angular app build with tailwind where you can get information about the world news

  • Angular
  • Tailwind

OpenAI Image Generator

An ionic app build with angular about weather info

  • Node
  • Vanilla Javascript
  • Dall-e

More in my gitlab profile

This profile shows some applications and exercises I have built to experiment with some technologies and improve my knowledge.

  • Angular
  • Node
  • MongoDB
  • Docker
  • React.js
  • Typescript
  • DDD
  • Tailwind
  • ...etc


I've worked with a range a technologies in the application development world. From Cloud and Back-end To Front-end

  • Cloud

    Experience with
    clouds services in
    AWS and Google Cloud

  • Back-End

    Experience with
    Node and Databases
    like MongoDB, PostgreSQL, DynamoDB...etc

  • Front-End

    Experiece with
    Angular and React

About Me

I am a person who is passionate about the world of startups, business, marketing, design and the development of applications for all kinds of devices. I like to be surrounded by people with great talent and work with them so that, in this way, I improve as a professional in the sector and as a person.

Innovating one project at a time